471 research outputs found

    Modelling bargaining behaviors within biotech clusters - Towards the "power of the weak" emergence?

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    If spatial and industrial economics theorical models, such as industrial districts, clusters, or learning regions propose a large analysis of differentiated coordination mecanisms, it however not really takes into account behavior of dispute dynamics, such as conflict of bargaining and power, which can explain both diversity and ambivalence of local coordinations. So, our purpose in this contribution is to bring to light that bargaining and power conflicts are at stake in coordinations structuration within territories. We base this contribution on Artificial Life simulations involving public and private local actors who bargain to share a local resource using more or less sophisticated strategies. On a methodologic point of view, our thought is based on an empirical established fact. Analysis of a biotechnology cluster in Toulouse-France (Leroux I., 2002, 2004) indeed contributes to bring to light that coordinations involving pharmaceutical industry, local communities and local research laboratories are based on direct or indirect evolving domination and concession bargaining games. If industrial firms play "the power of the weak" game, making concession of their decision power to public research laboratories, they endeavour systematically to exerce an influence or a discrimination power, by using hided and indirect means that forward by local communities.Starting from this established fact, we propose Artificial Life simulations of local bargaining games, inspired from the T. Ellingsen (1997) bargaining evolutionnary game. This is a Nash demand game under ultimatum. It leads to the interaction of obstinate agents whose demands are independent of those of the adversaries, and sophisticated agents who adapt their demand to that hoped for of their adversaries rather than gain nothing. As a result, our simulations show that bargainings between these local actors lead to an agreement which is not a perfect share, or an "universal" rule, but a compromise frequently hiding complex mecanisms of domination and concession. The main contribution of these simulations, which are based on genetic algorithms, is to put in a prominent position the variations of behavioral rules. We show how bargaining is an evolving processus based on domination and concession behaviors (influence, coercion,…) bringing to light the T. Schelling (1960) "power of the weak". This result brings to the fore the question of flexibility and phasing dynamics of power behaviors in local coordination bargainings. This model can contributes to open new researches focused on power and conflict strategies within local coordinations.

    La négociation dans la construction du territoire : une approche institutionnaliste

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    Cette thèse montre que la négociation est l'enjeu majeur de la construction du territoire, fondée sur la création de ressources. Cette création de ressources suppose la mise en coordination d'acteurs hétérogènes (firmes, acteurs publics ou sociaux) dont les logiques d'intérêts et de pouvoir sont difficiles à concilier. La dynamique de construction du territoire dépend alors de la capacité des acteurs à traiter ces conflits par la négociation. L'apport principal de cette thèse réside dans une conception renouvelée du territoire défini dans le cadre de l'approche par la proximité comme un espace de négociation. Il s'agit d'un espace construit sur la base de processus complexes, croisés et situés de négociation, vecteurs d'anticipation, de médiation ou de résolution des conflits. La négociation est ici définie dans une perspective institutionnaliste comme un processus de co-production de règles à la fois arbitré et arbitral, visant à la mise en compatibilité des différentes logiques d'acteurs. Ces règles, constitutives d'une proximité institutionnelle, facilitent ensuite l'engagement des acteurs dans une activité finalisée commune donnant naissance à une proximité organisationnelle. Nos deux études de cas confirment que les dynamiques territoriales reposent d'une part sur de "grandes négociations" visant à la formulation d'un cadre de règles commun à tous les acteurs, dans les périodes de transition. Et d'autre part, elles reposent sur de "petites négociations", plus décentralisées, concernant la mise en oeuvre pratique des proximités organisationnelles. Cette analyse montre également que si les acteurs sont conduits à faire des concessions et à céder une partie de leur pouvoir de décision, ils tentent assez systématiquement d'exercer un pouvoir d'influence ou de discrimination par des moyens masqués et détournés.This thesis brings to light that negotiation is at stake in territory construction based on resources creation. This resources creation supposes to set up coordination between various actors (firms, public actors, social actors), whose vested interests may not prove conciliable. So the dynamic of territory construction depends on actors capacity to solve these conflicts by using negotiation. The main contribution of this thesis is to propose a renewed conception of territory, within the proximity approach perspective, clearly definited as a negotiation space. It means here a space built up from complex, crossed and situated negotiation processes, aiming at conflict anticipation, mediation and solving. Negotiation is beeing defined through an intitutionalist perspective as a rules co-production process, both arbitral and arbitrated, aiming at a compatibility between the different logics involved. These rules compose an institutional proximity, that can lead to effective common economic activities between actors, so contributing to an organizational proximity. Our two empirical studies confirm that territorial dynamics are based on the one hand on "large negotiations", within transition periods, aiming at a common set of rules. On the other hand, territorial dynamics are based on "small negotiations", as decentralized negotiations concerning the effective selling out of organizational proximities. This analysis shows moreover that if actors make concessions and yield one part of their decision power, they endeavour systematically to exerce an influence or a discrimination power by hided and indirect means

    Pour une lecture institutionnaliste de l’acceptabilité locale d’un établissement carcéral

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    En 2002, la loi d’orientation et de programmation pour la justice prévoit la construction de 13 200 nouvelles places de détention, le « programme 13 200 ». Certains maires souhaitent l’implantation d’un établissement carcéral sur leur commune, mais ce souhait n’est pas toujours partagé par la population locale. Cet article présente une analyse institutionnaliste de la notion d’acceptabilité d’un équipement indésirable centrée sur les jeux d’influence et de pouvoir exercés par les élus et modifiant localement les représentations sociales de la prison. Nous montrons que les élus tendent à réifier la prison en objet spatial relégué d’une part, et en objet purement économique d’autre part, occultant son volet social. Cette réification conduit à des ambivalences préjudiciables à la fois pour les communes d’accueil et pour la réinsertion des détenus

    Evaluation des risques sanitaires liés à l'injection de biogaz épure dans un réseau de gaz naturel

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    National audienceCe document reprend l'avis de l'Agence Française de Sécurité Sanitaire de l'Environnement et du Travail (Afsset) émis à la suite de l'expertise collective menée pour l'évaluation de risques sanitaires liés à l'injection de biogaz dans le réseau de gaz naturel. L'intégralité de cette expertise est publiée et disponible sur le site internet de l'Agence, seuls les grands axes sont présentés dans ce document. Suite aux recommandations émises par l'Afsset, des travaux ont été initiés afin de recueillir et analyser des données de composition sur le biogaz issus de boues de STEP. L'INERIS est en charge de ce projet. Par la suite, les données seront utilisées afin d'évaluer les risques accidentels (consécutifs à la valorisation du biogaz, au transport par canalisation et à la valorisation énergétique, industrielle et domestique) ; ainsi que les risques sanitaires pour les utilisateurs (consécutifs à l'injection dans le réseau de gaz naturel)

    Baseline anti-NS4a antibodies in combination with on-treatment quantitative HCV-RNA reliably identifies nonresponders to pegylated interferon-ribavirin combination therapy after 4 weeks of treatment

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    Background Early detection of nonresponders to hepatitis C therapy limits unnecessary exposure to treatment and its side-effects. A recent algorithm combining baseline anti-NS4a antibodies and on-treatment quantitative PCR identified nonresponders to a combination of interferon and ribavirin after 1 week of treatment. Aim To validate a stopping rule based on baseline anti-NS4a antibody levels and early on-treatment virological response in treatment-naive genotype 1 chronic hepatitis C patients treated with the current standard pegylated interferon and ribavirin combination therapy. Methods Eighty-nine genotype 1 patients from the Dynamically Individualized Treatment of hepatitis C Infection and Correlates of Viral/Host dynamics Study treated for 48 weeks with standard 180 mu g pegylated interferon (PEG-IFN)-alpha-2a (weekly) and ribavirin 1000-1200mg (daily) were analysed. Baseline anti-NS4a antibody enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (NS4a AA 1687-1718) was performed on pretreatment serum. Hepatitis C virus-RNA was assessed at days 0, 1, 4, 7, 8, 15, 22, 29, weeks 6, 7, 8, 10, 12 and 6 weekly thereafter until end of treatment. Multiple regression logistic analysis was performed. Results Overall 54 of 89 (61%) patients achieved sustained virological response. A baseline anti-NS4a antibody titre less than 1/1250 correlated with absence of favourable initial viral decline according to variable response types (P=0.015). The optimal algorithm was developed using the combination of the absence of anti-NS4a Ab (= 100.000 IU/ml at week 4. This algorithm has a specificity of 43% and negative predictive value of 100% to detect nonresponse to standard PEG-IFN-alpha-2a and ribavirin therapy at fourth week of therapy (intention-to-treat analysis). Conclusion The decision to stop the therapy in genotype 1 chronic hepatitis C patients treated with PEG-IFN-alpha-2a and ribavirin can be confidently made after 4 weeks of treatment based on the absence of baseline anti-NS4a Ab and a week-4 hepatitis C virus-RNA above 100.000 IU/ml. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol 22:1443-1448 (C) 2010 Wolters Kluwer Health vertical bar Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

    Validation of an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the quantification of human IgG directed against the repeat region of the circumsporozoite protein of the parasite Plasmodium falciparum.

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    BACKGROUND: Several pre-erythrocytic malaria vaccines based on the circumsporozoite protein (CSP) antigen of Plasmodium falciparum are in clinical development. Vaccine immunogenicity is commonly evaluated by the determination of anti-CSP antibody levels using IgG-based assays, but no standard assay is available to allow comparison of the different vaccines. METHODS: The validation of an anti-CSP repeat region enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) is described. This assay is based on the binding of serum antibodies to R32LR, a recombinant protein composed of the repeat region of P. falciparum CSP. In addition to the original recombinant R32LR, an easy to purify recombinant His-tagged R32LR protein has been constructed to be used as solid phase antigen in the assay. Also, hybridoma cell lines have been generated producing human anti-R32LR monoclonal antibodies to be used as a potential inexhaustible source of anti-CSP repeats standard, instead of a reference serum. RESULTS: The anti-CSP repeats ELISA was shown to be robust, specific and linear within the analytical range, and adequately fulfilled all validation criteria as defined in the ICH guidelines. Furthermore, the coefficient of variation for repeatability and intermediate precision did not exceed 23%. Non-interference was demonstrated for R32LR-binding sera, and the assay was shown to be stable over time. CONCLUSIONS: This ELISA, specific for antibodies directed against the CSP repeat region, can be used as a standard assay for the determination of humoral immunogenicity in the development of any CSP-based P. falciparum malaria vaccine

    Development and characterization of a human monoclonal antibody for prevention of HCV recurrence in liver transplant patients

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    More than 170 million people worldwide are chronically infected with hepatitis C virus (HCV) and are at risk of developing liver fibrosis, cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. Liver transplantation is the only option for patients with HCV-induced end-stage liver diseases. Nevertheless, infection of the newly grafted liver occurs immediately and universally after transplantation. Despite the recent progress in HCV therapy, a prophylactic vaccine is still not available. The role of neutralizing monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) in protection from different viral infections including HCV, HIV and Ebola has been reported. In the last few years, several mAbs with neutralizing activity have been described but only few mAbs have been evaluated in vivo. In the present study, we describe the development of a mAb, designated 2A5, isolated from HCV genotype 1b chronic patient. ELISA results indicated high affinity of mAb 2A5 towards HCV envelope glycoprotein (E1E2). The binding activity was completely lost against denatured E1E2 protein indicating that it targets a conformational epitope within the envelope region. Epitope mapping using alanine mutants of E1E2 proteins defined critical binding residues within the regions 419-447 and 612-617. Results of pseudoparticles (HCVpp) and cell culture produced virus (HCVcc) neutralization showed broad neutralizing activity of mAb 2A5 against all HCV genotypes. The efficacy study of mAb 2A5 in immune-deficient mice of which the liver is repopulated with human hepatocytes (humanized mice) showed complete protection from HCV challenge for genotypes 1a and 4a, while partial protection was achieved for genotypes 1b and 6a. Sequence analysis of E1E2 protein from non-protected mice did not revealed resistance mutations at interaction residues of mAb 2A5. In conclusion, mAb 2A5 shows potent anti-HCV neutralizing activity both in vitro and in vivo and could hence provide an effective strategy to prevent HCV recurrence in chronically infected HCV liver transplant patients. In addition, the broad neutralizing activity of this mAb presents a valuable epitope for the design of HCV vaccine with cross-protection activity

    Polyfunctional CD4+ T cell responses in HIV-1-infected viral controllers compared with those in healthy recipients of an adjuvanted polyprotein HIV-1 vaccine

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    AbstractA recombinant fusion protein (F4) consisting of HIV-1 p17, p24, reverse transcriptase (RT) and Nef, adjuvanted with AS01, induced strong and broad CD4+ T cell responses in healthy volunteers. Here we compare these vaccine-induced CD4+ T cell responses with the ones induced by natural infection in patients with varying disease courses.Thirty-eight HIV-infected, antiretroviral treatment-naïve subjects were classified into four categories: 8 long-term non-progressors (infection ≥7 years; CD4+ T cells ≥500/μL), 10 recently infected individuals (infection ≤2 years; CD4+ T cells ≥500/μL), 10 typical early progressors (CD4+ T cells ≤350/μL), and 10 viral controllers (plasma HIV-1 RNA <1000copies/mL). Peripheral blood mononuclear cells were stimulated in vitro with p17, p24, RT and Nef peptide pools and analyzed by flow cytometry for expression of IL-2, IFN-γ, TNF-α and CD40L. CD4+ T cell responses were compared to those measured with the same method in 50 HIV-uninfected subjects immunized with the F4/AS01 candidate vaccine (NCT00434512).After in vitro stimulation with p17, p24 and RT antigen viral controllers had significantly more CD4+ T cells co-expressing IL-2, IFN-γ and TNF-α than other HIV patient categories. The magnitude and quality of these responses in viral controllers were comparable to those observed in F4/AS01 vaccine recipients. In contrast with viral controllers, triple cytokine producing CD4+ T cells in vaccinees also expressed CD40L.Subjects who spontaneously control an HIV infection display polyfunctional CD4+ T cell responses to p17, p24, RT and Nef, with similar magnitude and qualities as those induced in healthy volunteers by an adjuvanted HIV candidate vaccine (F4/AS01)
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